Discovery Centers

UX + Kiosk Design
Project Overview
Prototype Discovery Center. Discovery centers are geared towards youth and teens. It's meant to help them discover, using technology, where they came from and how they became who they are. They are also encouraged to create and share elements on social media using some portions of the center.
My Contributions
I've been involved in many ways in this project. I was involved mainly in a redesign of some of the kiosk elements to help maintain ease of use and visual appeal.

I also designed and animated the overview video, shown at the bottom of this page.
When a patron enters the center, they sign into their FamilySearch account in an ipad. Immediately the system has some information regarding the family history of that person. There are versions available for those who don't have advanced family history information available.

Patrons then are free to pass through the center, docking their ipad at each station to view how and when their ancestors immigrated to the united states, record social media messages, record stories for family history archiving, and many other insightful visualizations.
Discovery Centers